Prime Packing and Shipping Chicagoland FAQs

Pack and Ship from Chicago
(847) 490-9248
1216 Remington Rd.
Schaumburg IL 60173

Packing and Shipping FAQs

What is the customs process? Will the recipient of my shipment be taxed?

  • A customs declaration must accompany any non-document shipment. We’ll complete the necessary paperwork for you. This process typically takes less than 5 minutes.
  • A declared value must be provided for any non-document item, even if it is a gift or personal effect. An exact amount is not necessary, however, and we have simple guidelines for customs values that satisfy requirements while reducing potential taxes.
  • Most countries charge an import tax between 10 to 20%. The recipient normally receives a statement via mail, but in some countries, this will be collected by the delivery driver.
  • Mexico charges a 500% tarrif on items made in China.
  • Pre-payment of import taxes is available, and is assessed at 20% of total declared value.

Can I ship prescription medication?

  • Most countries allow the shipment of prescription medication.
  • A copy of the prescription must be included with the shipment.
  • Such shipments must be sent to the individual whose name is on the prescription.

Can I ship to APO’s (military addresses)?

  • Only the U.S. Postal service may ship to an APO address.
  • This service is available at Prime Pack & Ship.
  • If faster service is necessary, a physical street address is required.

What guarantees do I have that my shipment will arrive on time & undamaged?

  • FedEx, UPS, and DHL guarantee on-time delivery of all document shipments. Shipping time is 1 to 2 days to most major cities worldwide. For a transit time quote specific to your country of destination, call us at 847-490-9248.
  • FedEx, UPS, and DHL guarantee on-time delivery of all parcels barring any customs delays beyond their control. Such delays are very rare when you have Prime Pack & Ship prepare your customs documentation. Priority service is 2 to 4 days to most major cities worldwide. Economy service is 7 to 15 business days. For a transit time quote specific to your country of destination, call us at 847-490-9248.
  • All parcels carried by FedEx, UPS, and DHL are covered up to $100.00 against damage, and additional insurance is available for purchase. ($1,000.00 of insurance, for example, will cost about $9.00)
  • The U.S. Postal Service offers no guarantees against damage, delayed delivery, or lost packages.

Can I ship to a foreign P.O. Box via a private carrier like FedEx or DHL?

  • Yes. In such cases, the recipient would be contacted by the carrier, and he or she can pick up their shipment from a local office.

What items am I not allowed to send?

  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Items under pressure (aerosol cans)
  • Hazardous materials
  • Perishables
  • Food that is not marked for individual retail sale and sealed in its original packing.
  • Perfume and cologne
  • Some Muslim countries will not accept any media (books, magazines, music, or film) originating from the United States and a few, such as Iran and North Korea, will accept official documents only.

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